Nagaland: NPP slams govt for "denying" frontline workers their salary

NPP observed that frontline workers should be the first ones to be given their remunerations.

The National People's Party (NPP), Nagaland state, has questioned the government for "denying" to pay the salary of doctors and frontline workers, "who are facing the heat of the pandemic at the brink of risking their lives."

In a press communique issued on Sunday, the NPP state unit has slammed the Nagaland government for "overlooking" the sacrifice made by the frontline workers, who are in constant exposure to the dangers of COVID-19. 

"It is ridiculously appalling how the ones who are putting their lives on hold to save numerous lives are actually being denied of their own rights to earn a livelihood. It is in fact, a crime to deny them their salaries and utterly wrong in every sense no matter which way the government wants the public to look at it," the release read.

NPP observed that frontline workers should be the first ones to be given their remunerations. "How can they function when their rights are violated so shamelessly? The government is neither feeding them food nor paying their dues on time and yet expects them to do stand steadfast and work tirelessly?"  

"We stand together with all the doctors and frontline workers and demand immediate action towards this unruly treatment on the government's end," the NPP demanded. 

The party has also accused the Neiphiu Rio-led government of being "incapable" of handling the COVID crisis and demanded the stepping down of his government. 

"The authority should not put the lives of our people at stake by being a slave to their ego. By all means, if those sitting at high power are not able to empathise with the sufferings of our frontline workers, they should ask the civil society to step forward in aid," the release read. 

Furthermore, the NPP also questioned the government's measures in providing relief to the people who are affected by lockdown. 

"The daily wage earners have no doubt been extremely burned from the crisis of this pandemic lockdown and for that matter, is the government looking after their needs? Are free essential commodities being distributed to them equally? Are they able to reach out to grass-root level?" the NPP questioned. 

The party observed that people are dying of poverty and starvation more than the virus. "It is extremely irrational of the government to blame all crisis on the virus while doing nothing in their power to help the needy," it added. 

The party further extended its appreciation to all the frontline workers and NGOs, civic bodies, institutions and individuals who are going all out of their way in helping the society in their own capacity and free-will donations.

(Edited by Ibankyntiew Mawrie)

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