This student from Meghalaya invents hand sanitiser machine using bamboo

The Northeast Today (TNT) interacted with Wanteiskhem Dkhar to know more about this invention. 

COVID-19 will be etched in the history textbooks as one of the life-changing events which have disrupted every element of the social fabric. At the same time, the human aspect is tested to its limits, when difficulties present opportunities to adapt and reinvent our mindset. 

This is a story of a school student from Meghalaya's West Khasi Hills district who invented the hand-sanitiser machine made of bamboo. 

Supported by a team of teachers and friends, Wanteiskhem Dkhar gave Meghalaya an invention that functions the same way as other machines but with an indigenous touch to it.  

The Northeast Today (TNT) interacted with Wanteiskhem Dkhar to know more about this invention. 

TNT: Tell us more about your background?

My name is Wanteiskhem Dkhar. I was born and raised by my mother (Yellinda Dkhar) in Nongpyndeng, Nongstoin, West Khasi Hills District along with my seven brothers and three sisters. I study in Sibsingh Memorial Government Higher Secondary School, Nongstoin. 

Coming from a vocational subject (Electronics), it was an opportunity for me to learn about the course, making me keen to specialise in this trade.

TNT: What has been the most troublesome part of coming up with this invention during these pandemic times?

This was called a ‘Project Skill’ under the supervision of Sibsingh School. As a team, it was very difficult to acquire materials since we are under lockdown.

TNT: How did you come up with an indigenous design?

Initially, the prototype was provided by the teacher using plastic, wood, and finally steel, and it was cost-efficient. Hence I came up with a new idea by using bamboo, which is eco-friendly and easily available in our state.

TNT: What made you take this step to invent a hand sanitiser in the first place?

Well, because this is my native place and my village is far away from the principal town of Shillong. So, protection kits are not available abundantly. Hence, as a team, we see this as an opportunity to contribute something to the school, college and even to the Government Departments if they require so. 

TNT: Any words of encouragement for the young inventors?

Yes, I would like others to chart a course of action with their own innovative ideas using their skills and capability.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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