NPP Shillong lends support to people affected by COVID-induced lockdown 

In a bid to provide some relief to the people in need, the National People's Party (NPP) East Shillong constituency and NPP Shillong city, on Saturday, carried out a donation campaign at Malki, one of the localities in the city. 

With partial lockdown in place to curb the number of COVID cases in Meghalaya, several households have been adversely affected due to their inability to carry out their daily activities and feed their family. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of our lives, with sectors like the economy and education having to bear the brunt of continuous lockdown and containment measures. 

In a bid to provide some relief to the people in need, the National People's Party (NPP) East Shillong constituency and NPP Shillong city, on Saturday, carried out a donation campaign at Malki, one of the localities in the city. 

The NPP provided aid in the form of food items and other basic necessities to around 300 families. 

Lauding the effort of organisations and individuals across the state for lending a helping hand in times like these, NPP President in charge of Shillong City Anthony Nongbri called upon financially stable house owners to extend their support through various ways, with non-collection of house rent or reducing the rent, being one of them.

"I urge the house owners to come forward and lend a helping hand by reducing the house rent or by not charging house rent as per their capability," Nongbri said. 

People waiting in line during the donation drive conducted by NPP Shillong city

"We understand the pain and problems faced by the people who have been badly affected by the COVID pandemic, not just financially by also mentally. We stand in solidarity with the daily wage earners, domestic helpers and others who have had to suffer because of this pandemic," he added. 

Over the past few months, due to their inability and inaccessibility to earn their livelihood, several underprivileged households in the state have had to depend on government relief packages, community and individual donations and contributions. 

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