New Health Minister James Sangma visits various healthcare centres across state to identify issues

Sangma, who took charge of the Health portfolio earlier this month, visited the primary healthcare centre (PHC) at Mawsynram, along with the block president, local members of district council (MDC) and National People’s Party (NPP) members of Mawsynram unit, who highlighted the unavailability of medical officers and emergency services at the PHC.


Health and Family Welfare Minister James PK Sangma on Thursday visited various healthcare centres around the state to inspect functional concerns and working conditions for identifying gaps that would require the attention of the department.

Sangma, who took charge of the Health portfolio earlier this month, visited the primary healthcare centre (PHC) at Mawsynram, along with the block president, local members of district council (MDC) and National People’s Party (NPP) members of Mawsynram unit, who highlighted the unavailability of medical officers and emergency services at the PHC.

“Health is a key concern when it comes to the social welfare of any state. This is a lesson that the world learnt the hard way during the COVID pandemic. Therefore, there has to be an extensive focus on building the health infrastructure of the state,” Sangma said.

During his inspection, the Dadenggre legislator also met the members of NPP’s Sawsymper unit who submitted a memorandum requesting the upgradation of Sawsymper health sub-centre to a PHC. Members of NPP’s Dangar unit also submitted a memorandum for upgrading the Dangar PHC to a Community Healthcare Centre (CHC).

“I have received requests … to look into the upgradation of infrastructure, which will allow catering to many more people. The requests are of genuine importance and we will look into it as soon as possible,” Sangma said.

Sangma also visited the Lawbah PHC to monitor the progress of construction and said “immediate operation of the PHC will begin soon and will cater to the needs of the people of the area”.

Sangma also paid a visit to the Ryngku PHC, which is situated a few kilometres from the Bangladesh border, and said that “he will apprise the department to work on any concerns that may currently be a hindrance to the day-to-day functioning.”

Hima Shangpliang, the legislator from Mawsynram constituency, had sought the intervention of the government in late August to carry out repair work in the healthcare centre.

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