Meghalaya | Resistance to reforms by some MeECL officials on expected lines: James 

Sangma further observed that the fact the Chairman-cum-Managing Director (CMD), Arunkumar Kembhavi, is trying to clean up the system has upset many 'corrupt' officials. 

Meghalaya Power Minister James PK Sangma on Tuesday said that resistance from some officers and staff of the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL) to the reforms is on expected lines. 

“This is something that is on expected lines... a lot of people are comfortable with the way things are going right now (in MeECL) and, these kinds of malpractices will not be tolerated,” Sangma said. 

The MeECL has made headlines on several occasions following the detection of corruption and lapses in the system coupled with objections raised by some unions to the reforms initiated in the public sector undertaking. 

“We have initiated quite a number of reforms and, this is a transitional and difficult stage. That is why it is obvious that there will be a lot of opposition and resistance. We have now started seeing skeletons coming out of the closet. Many officers are hand-in-gloves and engaging in such practices. So, it is not a surprise that they (have) come about demanding the removal of CMD,” the power minister added. 

Sangma further observed that the fact the Chairman-cum-Managing Director (CMD), Arunkumar Kembhavi, is trying to clean up the system has upset many 'corrupt' officials. 

"The government is firm that it will not allow malpractices to continue in the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL)," he said. 

Sangma also warned of strict action to be initiated against officers found guilty of such malpractices. 

"Those who are guilty of such malpractices should come forward and discontinue these kinds of demands,” the power minister said. 

He asserted that the reforms put in place would ‘eventually’ bring about the turnaround. “Not only will MeECL have a constant, uninterrupted flow of electricity but the functioning of MEECL will improve because this will bring about long-term sustenance of the organisation.”

When asked about the UDP’s demand for his removal as well as the CMD’s, Sangma said, “The concerns raised by everyone, including UDP leader Dr Jemino Mawthoh, are genuine and, I appreciate the concerns they have.”

The minister further said the issues like load shedding and financial crisis in the MeECL are complicated and require a lot of time, effort and support from the government and also the Chief Minister.

"We are serious and, we are trying our level best to resolve these issues," he added. 

(Edited by Ibankyntiew Mawrie)