Assam: Unscheduled power cuts add to summer woes in Dibrugarh

Despite tall claims by the state government, the people of Dibrugarh have to face the problems of power cuts.


Dibrugarh town since the start of June has been facing frequent unscheduled load shedding. People confined inside their homes because of the lockdown have to face the brunt of the summer heat due to lack of power supply.

Despite tall claims by the state government to provide 24-hour uninterrupted power supply, the people of Dibrugarh have to face the problems of power cuts.

Recently, Assam Power Minister Bimal Bora said, “Before power cuts, the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) should inform consumers because everybody has work to do in their homes. We are taking all measures to upgrade the entire system”.

“Frequent power cuts has been a major problem in Dibrugarh. During peak hours, power has been regularly disconnected in the key areas of the town. For the last five years, the government has been trying to solve the problems but have failed to do so,” said Bipin Choudhury, a resident of Dibrugarh.

Talking to TNT-The Northeast Today, Abhijit Saikia, Assistant General Manager (AGM), APDCL, Dibrugarh said, “We have opened a Facebook page where we give every information to the consumers about the power cuts. Sometimes, we have to shut down because of the clearance of vegetation from the high power lines”.

When asked about the Assam government's stand on 24-hour uninterrupted power cycle, the AGM Abhijit Saikia said, “We have given a proposal for 24x7 power supply but because of a shortage of funds the work has been delayed”.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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