Girl locks up rapists, flees with their mobiles for proof


NATIONAL | May 15, 2018:

In an incident that took place in Nagpur, a girl was allegedly abducted by two men and was later gangraped on Saturday. The 18-year-old girl showed presence of mind by taking away their mobiles while escaping on Sunday. It helped cops identify the culprits who had fallen asleep after getting drunk.

The two accused identified as Shaikh Salam and Shriram Shribas had tied her up and also forced her to consume liquor and gangraped her twice. They also subjected her to unnatural sex.
Both Salam and Shribas are habitual offenders and are currently on the run.
The girl, a first-year college student and an aspiring beautician, had left home on Saturday for the beauty parlour at Kushi Nagar where she is undergoing training when she was abducted.
Featured image: Representation