Assam: Police caution on fake NRC clash clip in state


GUWAHATI, August 6, 2018: An advisory have been issued by Assam police,  asking its district units to take action against those found forwarding on WhatsApp a video and an audio clip purportedly recorded outside the Northeast which wrongly projects a police-public clash following publication of the complete draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC).

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The advisory issued to district police said, "It has come to the notice of the administration that a video from a different state and of a different situation showcasing conflict between police and citizens and an audio are being circulated in different WhatsApp groups trying to incite the people. All group administrators are requested to immediately block the message from being circulated in their groups and inform the local police".

It also said the WhatsApp group administrators would be held responsible for spreading such "malicious content" regarding the NRC.

The video shows an angry mob throwing stones and sticks at a police team while a Hindi-speaking person tries to incite the crowd. Police officers here said the video is being shared in WhatsApp groups with a false message that "Muslims in Assam who failed to make it to the draft NRC clashed with the police".

"Although a local resident can understand the video was not recorded in Assam since there was no clash or conflict after publication of the draft NRC, spreading of such a video can result in confusion among people outside. At the same time, some vested interests in our state, who are against the NRC, may also use it to incite people," a police officer said.

 "The administration appeals to all citizens not to give any attention to such fake news and provocative messages. We are here to protect all citizens and to facilitate them in the NRC process. Anyone found spreading the video would be held responsible for spreading malicious content," said an advisory shared by the police on social media platforms.

Earlier, the state police headquarters had asked district units to open accounts on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to counter fake news and spread authentic information and police service in order to check spread of fake news regarding the NRC.

Assam police have also opened a WhatsApp helpline number-9132699735 to offer people the option to clear their doubts online.

Source: The Telegraph

Featured image: The Telegraph