Arunachal Pradesh: AAPSU serves ultimatum to people without ILP


ITANAGAR | August 16, 2018:

With infiltration on the rise, the All Arunachal Pradesh Students' Union (AAPSU) has reiterated that people who do not acquire inner-line permit (ILP) should leave the state.

AAPSU stated that it is not to harass any Indian citizen but the main objective of its proposed drive is to check infiltration of illegal migrants and regulate the ILP system in Arunachal Pradesh effectively.

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All Assam Students' Union (AASU) had a discussion with the apex students' body, which is set to launch the drive on August 17 at a hotel on Wednesday. The AAPSU said the drive was solely for ILP violators and no any Indian citizen would be harassed during the exercise.

While the AASU has assured that it would support the AAPSU's movement, Arunachal's apex students' body pledged that no indigenous people of Assam, irrespective of religion, will be harassed during the drive.