East Sikkim district to be bifurcated into two parts

The state which currently has four districts-North Sikkim, East Sikkim, West Sikkim and South Sikkim, will see the bifurcation of East Sikkim district.



After the Sikkim Legislative Assembly passed the resolution for the creation of two new districts in the Himalayan state of Sikkim, the state will get its fifth district Pakyong.

The state which currently has four districts-North Sikkim, East Sikkim, West Sikkim and South Sikkim, will see the bifurcation of East Sikkim district.

Further, the proposed new district will comprise three-sub divisions of the existing East Sikkim district-Pakyong, Rangpo and Rongli.

The Sikkim Legislative Assembly during its budget session on June 14 and 15, had passed a resolution for the creation of two new districts, Soreng and Pakyong.

The new districts will have a population of 74,583 people as per the 2011 census with 36,392 people from Pakyong, 27,741 from Rongli and 10,450 from the Rangpo subdivision. 

(Edited by Shankar Kumar Turha)

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