Ongoing fight against COVID-19: Nagaland Govt issues fresh SOP



Nagaland Chief Secretary has issued fresh Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Guidelines to contain the spread of COVID-19 with immediate effect.

An order said exhibitions, trade fairs, fairs and swimming pools may open, subject to strict adherence to the SOP for preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Theatres, multiplexes and cinema halls may open up to 100 of their sitting capacity following the SOP on COVID-19.

Social, academic, sports, entertainment, cultural, political and religious functions and congregations outside the containment zone may open up to 100 per cent of their sitting capacity in closed spaces.

In open spaces, the size of the ground space will decide the limit of the gathering concerned.

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Wearing of face mask, social distancing, thermal screening and use of hand wash or sanitiser are mandatory for such gatherings.

For outdoor sports events, the number of spectators allowed will be up to 100 per cent, subject to strict adherence to Covid protocols.

The SOP lays measures to be adopted by venue providers, organisers, service providers, exhibitors, visitors and business delegates.

These measures outline various necessary and precautionary steps aimed at minimising physical contact and maximising physical distancing.

Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children below 10 years of age are advised to stay at home except for essential and health purposes.

"Any violation of the SOP will attract action as per legal provisions," read the order.

(Edited by Laxmi Chyrmang)