Nagaland Govt directs private hospitals to reserve 50% beds for COVID patients

Earlier, Nagaland Chief Secretary J Alam had issued an order detailing the requirements of beds including oxygen-supported beds, ICU beds and ward beds during a state-level meeting.



To meet the emergency requirements due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Nagaland, the Nagaland Government has directed all private hospitals in the state to reserve at least 50% of hospital beds for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Earlier, Nagaland Chief Secretary J Alam had issued an order detailing the requirements of beds including oxygen-supported beds, ICU beds and ward beds during a state-level meeting.

The order stated that there was a need for mobilising the resources available at private hospitals to ensure effective management of COVID-19 patients.

Accordingly, the government directed all private hospitals to provide for the treatment of  COVID-19 patients as per the government SOPs.

The District Task Force (DTF) will ensure compliance with the order and the government has provided guidelines to all the hospitals for screening, testing and managing COVID-19 postive patients.

The order also stated that the treatment charges for COVID patients must be at a reasonable rate.

(Edited by Shankar Kumar Turha)

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