Meghalaya: Situation in Iongkhuli under control, says Ri Bhoi DC

It may be mentioned the Assam police were alleged to have removed four electric poles erected by the Meghalaya Electricity Corporation Limited (MeECL).

Deputy Commissioner of Ri-Bhoi District R.M. Kurbah has informed that the situation in Iongkhuli under Jirang constituency is under control.

It may be mentioned that the Assam police were alleged to have removed four electric poles erected by the Meghalaya Electricity Corporation Limited (MeECL).

Congress leader Ampareen Lyngdoh observed that forming a border commission to accompany the state government for any dialogue with Assam is indispensable at the current juncture.

She has urged the state government to be firm about the border issue and said, “…. To form a committee or commission within the state that will be represented by all political leaders and district council representatives or local Syiemship should be part of this.”

She said that to leave everything in the hands of the government and expect them to perform “is asking a little too much from them” asserting that the government is in a weak position.

“They (the government) need everybody’s help, as we can see from the political scenario that is unfolding,” Lyngdoh said.

She stated that the government may not be able to withstand the oppression of Assam on their own and she is also skeptical of the give and take policy that they are proposing to adopt.

Asserting that the give and take policy sounds “scary”, she said that the government has not divulged to the public or to bring out strategies in the public domain.

Meanwhile, UDP advisor Bindo Lanong said “Himanta is behaving like a cowboy and Conrad is simply watching.”

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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