Security measures to be beefed up after Laitumkhrah IED blast, govt assures stern action

This is the fourth bomb blast in the state in one and a half years. The previous three blasts were reported in the East Jaintia Hills district; the most recent among them being the Khliehriat IED blast in July 2021.



Hours after an IED blast rocked Laitumkhrah market in the heart of the city, Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Tuesday said that security measures will be beefed up in all locations and an urgent probe has been ordered into the attack. 

“The cabinet has strongly condemned this IED blast, and we have taken a firm decision that very strong action will be taken against those involved in the blast,” Sangma said. 

Earlier today, an average-intensity IED blast rocked the market area in Laitumkhrah, injuring two people and damaging shops. No sooner after the incident, the proscribed Hynñiewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) claimed responsibility for it. The attack comes just a few days ahead of the Independence Day celebration of August 15. 

While condemning the incident, the chief minister suspected that the recent arrests of people involved in the IED blast cases in East Jaintia Hills may have triggered this “unfortunate” incident. However, he maintained that “firm action has been taken in the past, and we will ensure that people involved in this particular case too are not spared.”

When asked whether this was a result of an intelligence failure, Sangma replied in the negative, “The intelligence department and police have been working aggressively. And because of their hard work, all people involved in the previous cases in Jaintia Hills have been arrested.” He added that the government is moving towards further strengthening the intelligence wing. 

This is the second IED blast within a month in the state that HNLC has claimed responsibility for.

When asked about the strength of the banned outfit, Sangma said that there are not more than 10 active members of HNLC operating from its base in Bangladesh. 

“Yes, the involvement of HNLC was established in the past incidents and arrests have been made. But, for this particular case, we still have to investigate who is behind the blast,” he said. 

On apprehensions that the recent attacks signal a resurgence of militancy in the state, Sangma categorically said, “No. This is an incident that is preceded by a large number of extortion (activities). And this incident is one such attempt but we will not allow it at all."

Commenting on HNLC's offer for peace talks, Sangma asserted that the condition has been clear and firm from the state’s side - “Surrender first”. “Whatever discussion we have with them will be based on them moving towards peace and ensuring all discussions take place within the ambit of the Constitution of India. If they want a discussion, we are ready to talk, but it has to be an unconditional one,” he added.

This is the fourth bomb blast in the state in one and a half years. The previous three blasts were reported in the East Jaintia Hills district; the most recent among them being the Khliehriat IED blast in July 2021.

(Edited by Ibankyntiew Mawrie)

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