Ri Bhoi DC urges NHAI to resolve recurring flood problem at Umlyngkdait village

“Previously, we had requested NHAI to look into the matter and do the needful. This year again we have reminded them of the urgency of the matter,” Ri Bhoi Deputy Commissioner RM Kurbah said on Wednesday.


The District Administration of Ri Bhoi has reminded the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) of the proposed plan to construct a drainage system at Umlyngkdait village in Nongpoh to resolve the recurring problem of waterlogging and floods in the village during the monsoon season.

“Previously, we had requested NHAI to look into the matter and do the needful. This year again we have reminded them of the urgency of the matter,” Ri Bhoi Deputy Commissioner RM Kurbah said on Wednesday.

On August 30, Umlyngkdait village, which is only a kilometre away from Nongpoh, faced a severe flood-like situation when the road connecting the village to the highway was inundated with the water level rising to three or four feet, hampering public movement and causing considerable inconvenience to the residents.

Three years ago, officials from NHAI had inspected the location and had decided to construct a drainage system, but work on the project didn’t take off. “Because of the COVID situation, contractors were unable to bring in the machineries and labourers from outside; hence the delay in completing the project,” Karge Kamki, Project Director of NHAI, Shillong, told The Northeast Today (TNT). He also added that the contractor tasked with the job has been asked to expedite the work.

Though the water receded on Wednesday, the local village elders have appealed to the concerned authorities to take serious note of the situation and have also demanded compensation from NHAI for the destruction caused to the agricultural lands.

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(Edited by Ibankyntiew Mawrie)