Veteran journalist from Meghalaya SS Syiem passes away at 67 

In its condolence message, the Shillong Press Club (SPC) has expressed profound grief at the passing away of yet another stalwart of journalism in Meghalaya. 

A veteran journalist from Meghalaya and former president of the Shillong Press Club, Syndor Sing Syiem, breathed his last at NEIGRIHMS on August 6 after a brief bout of illness. 

Born on 3rd August 1954, Paiem (as he is fondly known) grew up in Jaiaw and did his schooling at Mawkhar Christian School before pursuing his higher education in Cotton College, Guwahati.

Prior to plunging into journalism, Paiem worked in the Indian Railways in various capacities and had a brief tryst with active politics as President of the Indian National Youth Congress (Shillong City) when it was a force to reckon with. 

He began his journey in journalism when he joined U Pyrta U Riewlum in 1986 and continued till 1989. He then took over the reins as Editor of U Nongsaiñ Hima (UNH) from 1992 when it became a daily till 2003. Despite having departed from UNH, Paiem continued contributing to the paper till the day he fell ill. He continued his journey as Editor of U Peitngor before finally putting his pen down.

In its condolence message, the Shillong Press Club (SPC) has expressed profound grief at the passing away of yet another stalwart of journalism in Meghalaya. 

“Though a very senior journalist both in age and astuteness, Paiem, however, had the soul and exuberance of a young Cub Reporter. His spontaneous witty one-liners on any occasion - be they sad or happy, made him a popular people gatherer cutting across age and colour. The magnific and suave manner in which he always carried himself around is worth emulating by all,” read the condolence message. 

“In his passing away, the journalist fraternity has lost a wonderful soul, sapient journalist & scholar, humane personality and above all, a loving and jovial father figure and this will leave an indelible chasm. Dearest Paiem, rest in eternal peace with your Creator,” SPC added. 

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