Meghalaya: Nongkrem MLA arranges oxygen for his constituency

Because of the shortage of beds, he said that COVID centers will be opened and added “We don’t want to see a rise in death rates”.

Nongkrem MLA Lambor Malngiang informed he has arranged for medical oxygen cylinders for COVID patients of his constituency considering the shortage of beds in Shillong hospitals.

Malngiang informed this in an emergency meeting of the Health Department on Wednesday. 

He added that the oxygen cylinders will be provided at the homes of critically ill COVID patients who need oxygen.

“The oxygen cylinders have been arranged for residents of Nongkrem. I have placed an order for 100 oxygen cylinders at 150 liter. The people need not worry. The ANM will be trained to monitor the situation,” he said.

Expressing concern on the rising cases of COVID-19, he said that there are 40 beds in Civil Hospital and 39 are already occupied while beds in Nazareth Hospital are completely occupied. 

The MLA also said that there is a shortage of nurses; PPE kits have also been arranged and oxygen cylinders are being bought from Byrnihat at Rs 7500 per cylinder. 

Because of the shortage of beds, he said that COVID centers will be opened and added “We don’t want to see a rise in death rates”.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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