Meghalaya: ‘None of the family members would contest upcoming bye-election’, says Charles Pyngrope



Meghalaya's former Assembly Speaker, Charles Pyngrope on Wednesday said that none of his family members would contest the upcoming bye-election for the Mawryngkneng Assembly constituency.

“As a family, we have decided that we will not be contesting the bye-election. I have informed both the president and working president of the Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) about the stand of the family. We wanted the party to find a suitable candidate to contest this bye-election from the party,” Pyngrope told reporters today.

Admitting that the party had wanted a member from the family to contest the bye-election, he, however, clarified that he will decline to review the family decision even if there is a request from the party high command.

There is a general feeling that a member of the family should take up the responsibility to carry forward the legacy of Lt David Nongrum. Reacting to this, Pyngrope said "legacy should be remembered rather than be continued."

“I had represented erstwhile Sohryngkham constituency for 10 years and people still remember my contribution. What you contribute to society by being a representative is more important. People are free to elect anyone. The Congress ticket does not belong to me, but it belongs to the party,” Pyngrope said.

Reacting to a question the Congress party would not be able to catch up on the sympathy votes if none from the family members is contesting, former Assembly Speaker said they only need a good candidate who can perform because the Congress has a very wide base in Mawryngkneng constituency.

He admitted that the National People's Party (NPP) will have an edge in the bye-election by being in power.

“But I am not scared since I know the Congress will win if we have a suitable candidate,” Pyngrope added.