Meghalaya: It is an open secret - BJP is divided into two factions, says suspended party leader KC Boro

Boro, a former minister and party leader, was suspended on July 9 after he came out in the open regarding the leadership issue in the party and claimed that many leaders in Garo Hills are in favour of former health minister AL Hek as the BJP's state unit president. 


The division and infighting within the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) in Meghalaya has become more apparent with one of the suspended leaders, KC Boro threatening to move the court if the state party president Ernest Mawrie takes any drastic action against him for his alleged "breach of discipline". 

Boro, a former minister and party leader, was suspended on July 9 after he came out in the open regarding the leadership issue in the party and claimed that many leaders in Garo Hills are in favour of former health minister AL Hek as the BJP's state unit president. 

A show-cause notice was also served to him and further decision on the matter is still pending with the party president. 

"There is no reaction from the president as yet on whether they are going to take any disciplinary action against me. But this is totally illegal, bias and against the law. I will challenge it in the court of law as it had damaged my image and prestige. This will follow with a defamation case against Ernest Mawrie," Boro said. 

Training his guns on the party president, Boro accused Mawrie of acting like a managing director of a private limited company rather than a president. 

He also accused Mawrie of suspending members without prior intimation including the Member of District Council (MDC) from Barengapara Pramod Koch, who was removed on April 22. 

Koch was removed not long after he decided to align with the NPP led alliance in the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC), much against the wishes of state BJP president Ernest Mawrie and Tura MDC Bernard Marak.

On division within the party, Boro said, "It is an open secret. The house is divided into two. There are two factions - we want Ernest Mawrie to go and Bah Hek to come."

Recently, when asked about the demand to remove him from the post of president, Mawrie had said, "I am the elected president not nominated. According to terms and conditions of the party's constitution, I have to hold my office three years. So, it will depend on the prerogative of the central leader. I am doing my best to serve the party in the state and whatever direction given by central leaders."

With a solution to the ongoing bickering within the party nowhere in sight, it is expected that more political developments will likely take place in the days to come.


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