Meghalaya cabinet reshuffle: Sanbor gets Labour, AH & vet; Prestone gets Health

The Governor through the order allocated Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Arts & Culture, Home (Passport, Prisons and Labour Departments to Shullai.


The Governor of Meghalaya on the advice of the Chief Minister, on Thursday, issued an order for the allocation/reallocation of portfolios to Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong and new Cabinet Minister Sanbor Shullai.

The Governor through the order allocated Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Arts & Culture, Home (Passport), Prisons and Labour Departments to Shullai.

Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong was given charge of Health & Family Welfare, previously held by AL Hek. Tynsong will continue to hold the Housing, Parliamentary Affairs, Public Works Department (Roads), Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs and Cooperation portfolios.

The reshuffle was effected following the axing of Hek and induction of Shullai into the cabinet on July 27. 

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