Meghalaya all set to host world’s only autumn cherry blossom festival


TNT Desk | Shillong | October 17, 2018

Meghalaya is all set to host the second edition of the India International Cherry Blossom Festival 2018 which is the world's only autumn cherry blossom festival in Shillong from November 14 to 17.

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The same was announced yesterday in a press conference whereby Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said, " The cherry blossom festival generates huge employment opportunities and revenue, and it attracted more than one lakh visitors last year, boosting the local economy by 300 per cent, Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma said here today".

"You can enjoy the full pink and white cherry blossom in Shillong, all along the roadside and the famous Ward Lake," said the Meghalaya Chief Minister.

The Meghalaya Chief Minister lauded the IBSD's initiative and said this was another way to deepen and strengthen the connections with the Government of Japan through exposition of Japanese cultural events and cuisine, as the Embassy of Japan in India has come in as a strategic partner for the cherry blossom festival.

The India International Cherry Blossom Festival 2018 will celebrate the unique mass flowering of autumn Himalayan cherry blossoms with several cultural events in the Meghalaya capital. Visitors can enjoy fashion shows, rock concerts, beauty pageants and also compete in an amateur golf tournament. Alongside, there will be stalls showcasing the food, arts and crafts of the region, and several cultural events and a food pavilion of Japan in partnership with the Embassy of Japan in India, the Meghalaya Chief Minister added.