Mawlai leaders decline govt’s request to be part of Peace Committee

The government on August 16 had formed a Peace Committee headed by Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong, to discuss the ways to bring back normalcy to the city and the state.


Rangbah Shnong (headmen), youth, and social organisations of Mawlai have declined the government’s request to be part of the Peace Committee until all the police personnel involved in the Cherishster encounter are suspended.

“We have received the letter from the government, but as of now, we will not accept it because we want justice first. The government should immediately put the police personnel involved in the killing of Cheristerfield under suspension,” said Samran Sing Syiem, the general secretary of the Seng Samla Mawlai Pyllun, after a meeting with all the leaders of Mawlai at Mawdatbaki community hall, on Tuesday.

The government on August 16 had formed a Peace Committee headed by Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong, to discuss the ways to bring back normalcy to the city and the state.

The meeting also resolved to disallow the “men in uniform” from conducting patrolling within Mawlai jurisdiction, for now, considering the fluid situation and the sentiment of the people. “We have appealed to the Deputy Commissioner to empower the local headmen to monitor the law and order in the area because, as of now, we cannot accept any men in uniform in Mawlai,” Syiem said.

Commenting on the assurance given by the government to shift the temporary camp of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) from Nongkwar to a permanent site, the Mawlai leaders demanded the completion of the shifting process within three months.

“In February this year, we had protested against the presence of CRPF camp at Nongkwar because Mawlai is not an area where we need a central police force. They are like our troublesome neighbour,” he added.

Meanwhile, the local leaders have also appealed to the unidentified youths, who snatched the weapons belonging to the Mawkynroh Outpost during the violence on August 15, to reach out to the Rangbah Shnong, local representative, or any trusted individual, and return them.

“We request these people to return the weapons because this is a serious offence and a matter of grave concern. The CM on Monday has assured that no law or act would be applied against them if they return the weapons,” the youth leader said.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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