Law breakdown at Meghalaya’s border, but where is UDP’s Home Minister?

On Monday, July 26, clashes broke out between Assam and Meghalaya on the state boundary of Ri-bhoi district, in the village of Iongkhuli under Jirang constituency in Meghalaya.


Date: July 27, 2021

To the Editor,

The Northeast Today (TNT)

Respected Editor,

On Monday, July 26, clashes broke out between Assam and Meghalaya on the state boundary of Ri-bhoi district, in the village of Iongkhuli under Jirang constituency in Meghalaya.

Allegations that were levelled by the locals suggested that Assam police personnel allegedly removed four electric poles erected by employees of the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL) in the village.

Reports, images and videos of various news outlets suggested that the law-and-order situation faced a complete breakdown where allegedly Meghalaya’s member of district council (MDC) from Charles Marngar was manhandled.

Amidst all of these circumstances, with the aggrieved citizens asking multiple questions, Home Minister Lakhmen Rymbui of the United Democratic Party (UDP) was nowhere to be seen or heard.

An otherwise serial critic of opposition parties, and even its own coalition partners in the MDA government, the Home Minister nor his party offered any statement on the attack. In fact, most coalition partners in the cabinet have tried seeking out solutions to tone down border conflicts, except for the UDP.

What comes as a greater surprise is the stark contrast that the party is operating in despite its ideology of regionalism.

To look at things in a more nuanced and comparative manner, on the same day when Assam had a skirmish with Meghalaya at Jirang, it had the same with Mizoram where six cops of Assam were in fact killed after clashes in Mizoram’s Kolasib district.

Mizoram Home Minister Lalchamliana took cognizance of the issue, put out a detailed brief of the situation that occurred at the border, and demanded swift action for immediate resolution of the long-stretched border issues with Assam.

However, in Meghalaya, the Home Department was fraught with silence.

Just few days before arrival of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, UDP echoed its demand for the Inner Line Permit and provided a complete five-point “memorandum” citing requirements for solutions of the border strife.

Just after the departure of Shah, now that the border situations have raked up, the air now seems heavier at the UDP camp with the bravado fully deflated and tamed.

The law and order of the state is at stake. Despite the UDP reiterating the outstanding border strife with Assam to be an issue requiring urgent solution, the silence at the most recent clash casts doubt over the seriousness of the coalition’s endeavours to tease out its frayed border with Assam into a clean line of divide.

Yours faithfully,
Kyrshan Sohkhlet

(Views are personal. The author is a high school teacher and a part-time researcher)

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ALSO READ: Meghalaya residents clash with Assam police over erection of electric poles in Jirang