James Sangma inaugurates oxygen generator plant at Nazareth Hospital

A total of Rs 14.4 crore invested in private hospitals to combat a potential third wave.


James Sangma, the Health and Family Welfare Minister, on December 7, inaugurated an oxygen generator plant at Nazareth Hospital.

"Rs 14.4 crore has been invested in private hospitals to increase the readiness for a potential Covid third wave," he said, adding that the government has invested Rs 2 crore in the health sector, of which, Rs 51 lakh in Nazareth hospital alone.

Addressing the gathering, Sangma stressed on the importance of equipping hospitals with technologies and infrastructure to bring about the necessary change in the health care system. "It is to minimise the impact of Covid-19," he said.

Expressing optimism that the government-private collaboration will rectify flaws in the healthcare system, Sangma said that the oxygen plant will be beneficial for the whole of Meghalaya.

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