Govt bars entry of visitors to Secretariat amid rising COVID cases

The order issued by the additional chief secretary, DP Wahlang, on Wednesday, read that no visitors will be allowed to enter the Secretariat Buildings (including Yojana Bhavan and Additional Building) with immediate effect till further orders are issued..


Rise in fresh Covid-19 cases at the Meghalaya Secretariat has prompted government to bar entry of visitors to the house of power with effect from August 4.

The order issued by the additional chief secretary, DP Wahlang, on Wednesday, read that no visitors will be allowed to enter the Secretariat Buildings (including Yojana Bhavan and Additional Building) with immediate effect till further orders are issued..

The order has also directed the security personnel to be strict in this regard and ask for valid identity cards from visitors. Following the order, strict screening has also commenced at the Secretariat.

Meghalaya reported 521 active Covid-19 positive cases with seven deaths in the last 24 hours. Officials informed that patients who succumbed to the virus were not vaccinated. Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong, who also holds the health portfolio, has appealed to the people to adhere to protocols following the steep rise in COVID 19 cases.

"I appeal to each and every citizen of the state to please take care of themselves and stay safe. I request them not to come out of their homes unnecessarily and even when they go out, make sure that your masks are in place and you follow the Covid-19 safety protocols. This is the only way out," he said.  

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