Exclusive | These localities in Shillong are fighting a war on two fronts - COVID & water crisis

The Public Health Engineering (PHE) department has stopped pumping water from the source - the Umshing river due to increasing pollution, making it unfit for human consumption.

By Daiaphira Kharsati | SHILLONG:

It has been three months since residents of Mawlai Mawiong Rim and Mawlai Mawiong Umjapung, two major localities in Shillong, have been reeling under water crisis. 

These two localities have been fighting a war on two fronts - a battle against COVID-19 and lack of proper drinking water. 

Root of the water crisis

The Public Health Engineering (PHE) department has stopped pumping water from the source - the Umshing river due to increasing pollution, making it unfit for human consumption.

The PHE under the Greater Mawiong Water Supply Scheme pumps water from Umshing river to a treatment plant at Mawlai Mawiong and supplies it to Mawiong Rim and Mawiong Umjapung. However, the water crisis has affected the daily wage earners who eke out a living from laundry service, as they are unable to wash the clothes.

Speaking to The Northeast Today (TNT), Headman of Mawlai Mawiong Rim S. Lyngdoh Nongpyiur rued the struggle that residents have to go through to buy water in the midst of this pandemic.

"Buying water is not a joke. The government talks about hygiene, however, how will we maintain hygiene without water? We have apprised the matter to the PHE, MDC and MLA,” Nongpyiur added.

With the pandemic showing no sign of easing, the dread of facing acute water shortage is another added burden on the people. 

Uncertainty looms large as villagers fear that if the crisis continues, there could be an unfortunate turn of event at Mawlai Mawiong Rim and Mawiong Umjapung. 

Pollutant-filled water found unfit for drinking

Meanwhile, Mawiong Umjapung Headman A. Kharkongor pointed that the water was polluted due to the recklessness of the people as there are factories, car washing stations, car showrooms, abattoir, improper drainage system, waste etc that flow to the river. 

Residents don’t want to see another Wah Umkhrah (a polluted river in the Shillong city) and suggested that the factories, plants should have an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) installed. 

"The water has turned black due to the presence of pollutants and it emanates a foul smell. The PHE did not supply water anymore as they fear that there may be serious health repercussions,” he said.

PHE Minister Renikton Lyngdoh Tongkhar confirmed that the water is extremely dirty, and the department had stopped pumping the water all these days. 

"The department has collected the sample and has sent it for testing at the Pasteur Institute, for which the report will be given next week, with the hope that it will be fine,” the minister said.

The minister has also encouraged the residents to store rainwater adding that the department is trying to solve the problem.

Lyngdoh admitted that pollutants are flowing into the river from households, including wastes from the slaughterhouse at Mawiong and car workshops in the area.

Meanwhile, an official from the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board said that the Board will analyse the water starting from its source at Umsohlang till Mawlai Umshing.

“We (the board and the traditional heads) will sit and discuss the plan of action,” the official said.

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