Decision on reopening of schools to be constantly reviewed: Rymbui

The Meghalaya Education Minister stated that the options of online and offline classes will continue and attendance in schools won’t be mandatory as it will entirely depend on the consent of parents if they want to send their wards to school or not.

Meghalaya Education Minister Lahkmen Rymbui on Tuesday said that the government’s decision to reopen schools from September 1 will be “reviewed from time to time”.

“There will be constant evaluation after the schools reopen from tomorrow. But parents, teachers and students need to understand that online classes cannot cater to all students,” Rymbui said, adding that classroom education will be beneficial for students from humble backgrounds.

“We have issued an order that schools can start on September 1 and the consent of the parents is important regarding attendance. The school managing committee has to take certain decisions keeping in mind the health and safety of all the students as well,” he added.

The education minister stated that the options of online and offline classes will continue and attendance in schools won’t be mandatory as it will entirely depend on the consent of parents if they want to send their wards to school or not.

Rymbui mentioned that the stakeholders (parents and teachers) have appreciated the government’s decision as they were concerned about the students missing out on classroom teachings for more than a year.

The minister further added that over 75 percent of the teachers in the state have been vaccinated and he hopes the remaining too will come forward and get themselves jabbed. “On failing to do so, they have to produce an RT-PCR negative report in every 10 days,” Rymbui concluded.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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