UDP president should ask for report on Cheristerfield encounter: party leader Titos Chyne 

The United Democratic Party is one of the key allies in the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government.

In a major political development, the United Democratic Party (UDP) working president, Titos Chyne on Saturday has asked the party president, Metbah Lyngdoh to seek a comprehensive report on the Cheristerfield Thangkhiew encounter case from UDP vice-president and Home Minister Lahkmen Rymbui.

Speaking to reporters on Saturday, he said “I request the president of UDP to get a report from the Minister Lahkmen Rymbui, who is also the vice-president of the party.”

Urging Lyngdoh to convene an urgent meeting, Chyne said that the party will not be silent on the issue as it has raised many pertinent questions.

The United Democratic Party is one of the key allies in the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government.

Home Minister Lahkmen Rymbui has been heavily criticised following the August 13 encounter that killed the ex-general secretary of the proscribed Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC), Cherishterfield Thangkhiew, with demand for his resignation from several quarters gaining momentum. 

(Edited by Ibankyntiew Mawrie)

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