6th Schedule Amendment Bill: CEMs to submit recommendations within one week

“The Centre has asked us to give our comments and suggestions on the Bill. During the meeting, several suggestions were given - be it on the issue of unrepresented tribes, number of seats and elections, et al. And we will finalise them in the next meeting,” he said.


By Daiaphira Kharsati


Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Friday informed that the next meeting on the proposed amendment to the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution will be held on August 25. He informed that all the three Chief Executive Members (CEMs) of the Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) of Khasi, Jaintia, and Garo Hills have been asked to submit their recommendations within one week.

Sangma said this after a meeting with the CEMs of all the three ADCs to discuss the Bill and the suggestions of the Parliamentary Standing Committee.

“The Centre has asked us to give our comments and suggestions on the Bill. During the meeting, several suggestions were given - be it on the issue of unrepresented tribes, number of seats and elections, et al. And we will finalise them in the next meeting,” he said.

“About 95 percent of the recommendations have been included. And in the next consultation we will iron out all the concerns,” CM said.

Meanwhile, Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) CEM, Titosstar Chyne expressed disappointment over the delay in taking the amendment forward. “I don’t know what the delay is about? But I know this that the state government is not prolonging the matter, the Centre is,” he said.

He informed that the last meeting between the state government and the Home Affairs Ministry was held on July 5.  The amendment bill seeks to increase the executive and financial powers of autonomous councils in the sixth schedule areas of the Northeast.

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