Assam: Man held with foreign SIMs for making pornographic films

Police have also seized several American and African SIM cards and a laptop from the 27-year-old accused.

Assam police arrested a person accused of creating lewd material by enticing his victims with proposals of love over phone using overseas SIM cards.

Speaking to mediapersons, Sonitpur SP, Dhananjay P Ghanawat said, “The man had been selling pornographic photos and videos clicked by him in the international market through the internet.”

“He would build a relationship with the girls by wooing them over phone using foreign SIM cards and then collect private photographs of the girls, which he would use to blackmail them later,” Ghanawat said.

Police have also seized several American and African SIM cards and a laptop from the 27-year-old accused.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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