Assam exempts certain categories from curfew, odd-even vehicular rule

The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) has, in continuation of the order issued on Wednesday, exempted certain categories of persons from the purview of restriction on movement between 2 PM to 5 AM and the odd-even vehicular regulation.


The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) has, in continuation of the order issued on Wednesday, exempted certain categories of persons from the purview of restriction on movement between 2 PM to 5 AM and the odd-even vehicular regulation.

The categories are as follows:

1. All officials and persons, both government and private involved in emergency services such as Health and Family Welfare and all related medical establishments, police, prisons, home guards, civil defence, fire and emergency services, electricity, water, etc and all other essential services on production of valid identity cards.

2. All judicial officers / officials of courts of Assam on production of valid identity cards.

3. All private medical personnel such as doctors, nursing staff, paramedical staff etc.

 4. Pregnant women and patients for getting medical /health services.

5. Persons coming from/going to airports/railway stations/lSBTs on production of valid tickets.

6. Officers/officials related to functioning of offices of diplomats of various countries as well as persons holding any constitutional post on production of valid identity cards.

7. Electronic and print media on production of valid identity cards.

8. There shall be no restriction on inter-state and intra-state movement / transportation of essential / non-essential goods. No separate permission / e-pass will be required for such movements.

9. Movement of persons related to commercial and private establishments providing following essential services/commodities shall be allowed

10. Persons going for COVID-19 vaccination.

11. All officials/persons entrusted with election related works on production of valid identity cards/ engagement letters/ appointment orders/ work orders.

12. All employees / persons involved in operations related to forestry under the environment and forest department on production of valid identity cards.

13. Organisations involved in humanitarian / philanthropic work such as supply of cooked food to COVID patients, feeding stray animals subject to obtaining prior permission from the jurisdictional DC. 

Assam DGP Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta on Thursday said that the clarification through the latest order was imperative as there “appears to be a lot of confusion regarding the SOPs being implemented from today”.

“A lot of genuine queries were received. So the latest order from ASDMA should clear a lot of doubts,” he posted on Twitter.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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