Assam: Covid positive woman delivers twins at AMCH

Health minister Keshab Mahanta in a tweet on Friday congratulated the doctors and nursing team of the AMCH.

A covid positive woman gave birth to twins at the Assam Medical College and Hospital (AMCH) in Dibrugarh.

The twins, a baby boy and a baby girl are healthy and both are covid negative. The 34-year woman who belongs to Moran area of Dibrugarh had undergone IVF technology after being childless for 14 years after her marriage. 

On the night of May 19 she was taken to a private hospital in Dibrugarh after she developed obstetrical problems. 

“During testing she was found covid positive and was referred to the Assam Medical College. Seeing her serious condition, a team of doctors and nurses led by the head of the gynaecology and obstetrics department Dr Ramesh Sonowal carried out a C-section and successfully delivered the twins,” said a doctor at AMCH.

“Both the mother and twins are healthy. The male baby weighs 2.5 kg and the female baby weighs 2 kg and both are covid negative. The twins are being kept at neo-natal care. Since they were born premature at 35 weeks, we are providing phototherapy to prevent jaundice. I congratulate the entire team who successfully carried out the operation despite the covid threat,” principal superintendent of Assam Medical College and Hospital (AMCH) Dr Sanjeeb Kakati said.

Health minister Keshab Mahanta in a tweet on Friday congratulated the doctors and nursing team of the AMCH for successfully carrying out the operation. 

“It’s profoundly heartwarming to see a mother, who is Covid +ve, holding her twin babies born through IVF. Extremely proud of the @AMCHDibrugarh doctors and nursing team for the successful delivery,” the minister tweeted.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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