Assam Congress submits memo to chief secretary on COVID situation 

In a memorandum submitted to the Chief secretary at Janata Bhawan here, Assam PCC president Ripun Bora called for urgent capacity building to tackle the COVID spike in the state.

A delegation from the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee met the state chief secretary here on Wednesday and expressed concern over the current COVID-19 situation in the state.

In a memorandum submitted to the Chief secretary at Janata Bhawan here, Assam PCC president Ripun Bora called for urgent capacity building to tackle the COVID spike in the state.

“Preparedness of the government must be enhanced by creating more hospital beds in all districts and sub-divisional headquarters and ensure uninterrupted supply of oxygen in the entire state,” Bora stated in the memorandum.

The PCC chief underlined the need to draft more doctors, medical students, nurses, midwives, ASHA workers and other trained civilians in all health facilities.

“Testing capacity must be augmented and the testing ambit must be expanded to cover larger sections of the society. More vaccines must be bought urgently for the state to cover the population above 18 years of age,” Bora stated.

He further suggested that emergency contingency measures be put in place to keep supplies of all essential commodities for common people at affordable prices.

“The government also needs to restore supply of COVID-19 vaccines to the selected private hospitals by uninterrupted supply of vaccines. It must immediately prepare a contingency plan for uninterrupted supply of all essential commodities and services in case of a national lockdown or state level lockdown,” the APCC president said.

Besides, the Congress committee appealed to the government to take utmost care so that no patients, be it COVID or other, are deprived of proper treatment in the hospitals.

“The government needs to create Jumbo Covid Centres in cities and towns with trained staff and proper hygiene facilities. As you know, presently the situation in many states has already gone from bad to worse. In view of this, we urge upon you that the Assam government should take immediate action to save the lives of the people of the state,” Bora stated in the memorandum.

“The Congress party of Assam reiterates our fullest co-operation to the government in the fight against COVID,” he added.

(Edited by Christopher Gatphoh)

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