Meghalaya: Shillong Golf League 2017 to kick start on 10th September


Shillong September 5,2017: The first ever Golf League of North East India will commence on 10th September 2017 at the pristine Shillong Golf Course.The event is supported by The Board of Directors ,Shillong Club Ltd.  to the Meghalaya Golf Promoters' Society (MGPS) who conceptualized the first Shillong Golf League (SGL).

The event will be played in a team format which will comprise of 4 members consisting of 1 local Club Professional,1 single handicapper and 2 Club Golfers – the combines handicap of whom shall not exceed 30.The first 3 weeks will be a stroke play after which a cut will be applied and top 8 teams out of the 15 teams will play on a match play format in the last 3 weeks.The fund mobilized from this event will go to the Shillong Club Ltd. for maintenance of the Golf Course and purchase of equipments.

MGPS President and Organising Secretary SGL Mr Gaurav Bajaj stated that MGPS is committed to the promotion and development of Golf in the state and the idea of this event is to give all Golfers a chance to play with each other irrespective of their handicap.Both Ladies and Junior Golfers will get  a fair chance of participating in this event.

Dr Ibanylla Suzie Syiem – Director (Events) &Co-Director Golf is excited that this first golf league in the Shillong Golf Course will not only promote golf in the state but will enhance more participation by young budding golfers and ladies who will get an opportunity to play with some of the local professionals and thereby will improve their game of golf and bring it to a higher level.

Mr Rahul Bajaj Golf Captain and SGL Chairman said that he is happy that this event will keep the excitement to the maximum level amongst the Golfers

Mr ChiborShullai Golf Secy and SGL Co Chairman said that he is happy that this event is happening for the first time at the Shillong Golf Course and is hopeful that the event will become bigger in the years to come and will attract talent from outside the region as well.

The Team and player auction took place on 2nd September 2017 at Shillong Club Ltd and all 15 teams were soldout.Mr AH Scott Lyngdoh (Director In Charge Golf-Shillong Club Ltd.) and Mr RL Shullai (Director – Shillong Club Ltd.) were also present during the Team and player auction alongwith Dr Ibanylla Suzie Syiem.The highest bid for the Professional was done by the owner of DABANGS and ANGRY BIRDIES.In the amateur category the owner of DABANGS was the highest bidder followed by SULTANS OF SWING.The IGU Rules for Amateur status is being complied with in the event.

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