Fan risks life for selfie with Lionel Messi


Footballers generally have a large following but when that footballer is Lionel Messi, people will go through lengths to meet the global superstar. Messi was relaxing on his yacht in Ibiza when he got a surprise visit from a fan who swam a kilometer to meet him. 24-year-old Suli who hails from Ceuta, Spain and is a big Athletico fan could not believe his eyes when he met the Argentinean great.

Messi obliged and spent 20 minutes with him and clicked selfies with the fan. Suli swam with his mobile phone in a plastic bag but the phone got soaked so Messi used another phone to make sure that the fan received the selfie he swam for.

The lucky fan also saw Cristiano Ronaldo from a distance while at a night club but because of tight security he could not even shake the Portugal captain's hand.

(TNT News with input from internet sources)

image: Twitter