Dipa Karmakar under ‘house arrest’ at Rio Olympics!


Faced with the gigantic expectations of an excited nation, Dipa Karmakar has been put under "house arrest" at the Olympic Games Village by her coach Bishweshwar Nandi.

More than 35,000 kilometers away from her hometown Agartala in Tripura, Dipa is set to turn 23 on Tuesday but is unlikely to receive birthday greetings except for the ones from her parents.

Her only companions are roommate Saikhom Mirabai Chanu — the only Indian woman weightlifter — and of course Nandi who's been with her for the last 16 years.

"I've removed the SIM card from her mobile. Only parents are allowed to talk to her. I don't want her to lose focus," Nandi said.

"Her birthday celebration can wait for the moment. It's only her parents who are allowed to talk to her at the moment during the small breaks I give her."


(Featured Image: Reuters)