Despite financial problems and other struggles, India still manages to win Blind Cricket World Cup


We have always considered ourselves a cricket obsessed nation with a lot of fan fare with the Indian National team and every world tournament they play in, scrutinizing their every move and cheering at every win. However, recently when the Indian team won the Blind World Cup Cricket tournament, the country did not seem as taken as it has been with "The men in Blue." The Other men in Blue as they have come to be known have won the tournament two times in a row and whilst this achievement is wonderful, the adulation and admiration they received has been underwhelming. However, in saying that there were many supporters at the matches and with the games being played across many venues, more and more people came to known of the tournament and how the Indian team was faring throughout.

Ajay Reddy led the team to victory in a final which saw the Blues take on Pakistan. India went into the match as favourites and have never lost to Pakistan. The blind Indian cricket team still maintains this record. Reddy in an interview to a leading paper had lamented over the conditions of the players. Most of the players have extremely difficult financial situations but despite this, they continue to follow their passion and train hard; all to bring about pride for our country.  The captain made some incredibly valid points especially about sponsorship and celebrity promotion. We see this regularly in mainstream sports and there is no reason why it should not be the same for blind cricket or any other sport.

The team which comes under the Cricket Association for Blind in India (CABI) has faced many difficulties which has been mainly financial due to lack of funds.  Promotion of the team is also lacking with people across the country knowing little about the team. With better PR and maybe the BCCI taking CABI under its wing, the situation is bound to turn around and improve. Government policies towards sports which are not in the mainstream sphere should also be better implemented and grants should be provided to ensure that everything is being done to help the players and also develop upcoming ones.

Even with all these issues, the team has done tremendously well and this is yet another world trophy added to the showcase of India.

(TNT News)

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