Mizoram: More than 300 HIV related deaths during current year


AIZAWL, 2 April 2018: The Mizoram government has so far recorded 322 cases of HIV related deaths, Health minister Lal Thanzara said.

Responding to questions raised by Aizawl West II legislator Lalruatkima, Mizoram Health minister Lal Thanzara said that as many as 322 HIV AIDS related deaths are recorded during the current financial year. "The statistics I can provide at this time is the recorded HIV deaths between April 1, 2017 and mid-March of this year," he added.

The high prevalence of the dreaded HIV Aids has become a worrisome issue in Mizoram. The state, despite having one of the lowest populations in the country has struggled in its fight against the dreaded disease. In the year 2014-2015, a record number of 569 HIV related deaths was recorded.

The Mizoram SACS has started random blood tests from 2013, and out of the 317356 bloods tested, 7641 were found to be HIV positive. The first Mizoram case of HIV was diagnosed in 1990, sources show. Mizoram SACS have stated that the past two years have seen a mini explosion of the disease which had caused concerns not only among the government but also the NGOs and the churches.

Source: UNI