Meghalaya: For the 1st time ever, NEIGRIHMS gives representation for resident doctors


SHILLONG, Feb 28: With an aim to  to ensure the welfare of resident doctors of NEIGRIHMS and to form a common interaction ground for resident doctors, the premier institute in the region has given a representation to the former, for the first time.

According to a press communique, it was mentioned that as per a general body meeting of resident doctors of NEIGRIHMS held on February 27,  it was unanimously decided to form a Resident Doctors Association of NEIGRIHMS, a body which will be designated as NRDA.

The primary purpose of the association is to ensure the welfare of resident doctors of NEIGRIHMS and to form a common interaction ground for resident doctors.

"The association visions itself in working in collaboration with the institute authorities for various welfare activities for resident doctors as well as to conduct various social and cultural activities directed towards the common good of the people of Meghalaya," said the release.

It was further decided to appoint office bearers of NRDA for the year 2017-18 with  Dr Tony Ete as the president, Dr Sandeep Ghosh as the Vice President,  Dr Kalyan Sarma as the general Secretary, Dr Dr Gouri Sankar Rudrapal as the Convener, Dr Pranoy Paul and Dr Amber Aggarwal as the Treasurers and DR Synrang B Warjri as the Spokesperson.

 The NRDA hopes to function as a constructive body for the overall welfare of resident doctors of NEIGRIHMS and cater to the necessary needs of the resident doctors specifically and the general populace at large.

TNT News