Health>>The Health Benefits of Working out


~~ By Maegan Jones

All the ways our bodies benefit from a consistent workout routine.

I'm writing this article after a new workout that I've added to a few days of my working week — a 20 to 30-minute low-intensity yoga session at lunch time. I've noticed that since I've incorporated this into my week, I've come to my desk feeling more alert and balanced than if I'd just stayed at my desk working straight through from the morning. While we all know we should be regularly doing something like this workout, sometimes we just don't make it happen.

The most important thing, as with any habit, is to remember why you're doing something in the first place. So, for me, incorporating a short, low-intensity yoga workout into a few days of my week is helping me achieve my goal of being more centred and having less aches and pains in my body, among other benefits.

You probably know plenty about the physical benefits of working out such as keeping in shape or losing weight, but what about all the other benefits working out? We've listed all the different benefits of working out below to show you that it's not only good for your body, but your mind and many other aspects of your life too.

  1. You're happier.

Working out changes the part of your brain that regulates stress and anxiety. Your brain, by working out, also produces serotonin and norepinephrine which can relieve the feeling of depression. By working out, your body also produces endorphins which are known to increase happiness and positivity, while reducing pain.The good news about this? It doesn't matter if you choose a low-intensity walk or high-intensity gym workout, your mind and body will still have the same chemical reaction producing more positive feelings in the body than if you didn't workout at all.

  1. You sleep better.

Who hasn't felt completely exhausted on a day when you've included a big workout in your routine? A recent study found that 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity per week resulted in a 65% improvement on sleep quality. The energy depletion and heightened body temperature you experience when you exercise will help you have a better sleep. Depletion of energy increases the body's regenerative sleep process, while the increase in your body temperature when you workout helps it lower to an optimal temperature for better sleep throughout the night.

  1. You have more energy.

We often feel too tired to work out because we don't have the energy, but what happens when we don't workout is we end up with even less energy in the long run — it's a vicious cycle. Even some low-intensity exercise will increase your energy levels, according torecent research.The study found that people who performed some low-intensity exercise such as a leisurely walk, experienced a decrease in fatigue and a 20 per cent increase in energy.

  1. You reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Sure, working out helps you to look good but it also helps the inside of your body too by reducing excess weight and reducing your risk ofchronic disease including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer.Also, important to note is that exercising regularly can only do so much if you're consuming a poor diet. Combine your regular workouts with fresh, healthy food and you'll be well on your way to further reducing your risk of chronic disease.

  1. It can make you more relaxed and productive.

Working out before work or during your lunch hour can help lower stress levels and makes you more productive. In fact, the International Journal of Workplace Health Managementfound that employees who completed a workout before work or during their lunch hour said they felt less stress and performed better than on the days when they didn't workout.This could be the reason you need for attending that lunchtime gym class or getting outside for a walk during the day.

These are just a few, of the many, benefits of working out for your mind and body. Finding something that you love to do and getting in a consistent routine of working out and eating healthy will establish the foundations for excellent long-term health.

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