HEALTH | Here’s why you should not smoke in front of children!


By Tahmina Jannat 

There is growing evidence that children who are exposed to smoking are increasingly vulnerable to heart diseases when they become adults. A recent study showed that parents who are addicted to smoking result in an increase in the prospect of heart disease to their children. In the case of children whose parents smoke and do not try to limit the exposure of the smokes in front of their children, the risk is four times higher.

Researches proved that!

A study conducted in Finland over a period of 20 years with data collected during the early 80's measured the amount of cotinine remained in the blood after the exposure to nicotine and followed up the same between 2000 and 2007 to calculate the degree of carotid in the children who were now adults and it showed enough evidence of growing risks. The build-up of plaque can result in heart disease and this is further evidence that exposure to second-hand smoke by children can increase the chance of heart disease in adulthood.

According to the Centre for Disease Control, almost 60% of kids between the ages of 3 years and 11 years are exposed to second-hand smoking and are highly vulnerable at home. They recommend that in order to reduce their exposure to second-hand smoke, refrain from smoking in front of children and choose providers and sitters for them who do not smoke in their presence. Further, it is recommended that you should change your clothes before you go near to your children after smoking. As far as possible, stick to tobacco vape juice as these have no smell and are also less harmful.

Dangers from second-hand smoke

Even if you don't smoke, breathing in second-hand in red smoke has an effect on the health of children and millions of children are being exposed to this in their own homes leaving them vulnerable because their lungs are still developing. Even if you limit the exposure of your children, they may still be in more danger than you think because they are still exposed to the chemicals of second hand smoke.

Second hand smoke, often known as environmental tobacco smoke, is the smoke that is caused by burning tobacco and is estimated to contain more than 4000 chemicals many of which are dangerous and some of which are known to be carcinogenic. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are exposed to these chemicals. Even research on the effects of third hand smoke has shown that it can also be harmful and this may best be understood as the smoke left behind in places where people have been smoking and can still contain harmful toxins. Examples of these include places such as the inside of a bar, the inside of a car and even the close proximity of another person who is smoking.

Dangers of smoking during Pregnancy

Exposure to smoke or second-hand smoke during pregnancy leaves your baby exposed to harmful toxins. This could lead to potential health complications including miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight resulting in a less healthy baby and learning problems such as ADHD. The health risks increase the longer pregnant women are exposed to smoke and quitting anytime during pregnancy helps and the sooner the better. All pregnant women are advised to stay away from second-hand smoke and request smokers not to smoke in front of them. Other complications from second-hand smoke include sudden infant death syndrome, ear infections, coughs and colds and respiratory problems.

Second-hand smoke can have long-term effects including in an increase in the chances that children with parents who smoke are more likely to develop the habit themselves. Moreover, children and teenagers who develop the habit of smoking will be vulnerable to the health problems affecting adults who smoke.

Second-hand smoke can cause problems for children later in their lives which can include bad lung development, an increased chance of lung cancer, heart disease and cataracts. Because exposure to second-hand smoke can happen in many places such as in a car, in school, in the houses of friends and relatives and at public places, the following tips can help. Do not allow your children in places where smoking is allowed and keep your home smoke-free.

Avoid smoking in your car and choose non-smokers to look after your children. If you must smoke, stay with e-liquid.

Stay Healthy!

(Tahmina Jannat is a freelancer and content developer for online business and she lover writing and traveling and also loves sharing experiences.)