HEALTH | Here’s why you need to walk daily


By Halley Nongmaithem | Oct 27, 2019:

Here are the Many Benefits Of Walking Daily:

Walking is said to be the most cost effective exercise as it hardly cost anything except maybe an investment on a pair of good shoes but the benefits of walking is said to be immense.

Walking early in the morning is said to give an energy boost and it is further said that outdoor walk gives more vitality than in indoor walk. It is also said to regulate the mood by improving self esteem, reducing anxiety, lessening stress, easing fatigue and by preventing risk of depression.

Once you walk for 30 minutes daily , it is said to give the complete physical activity for the day. It is recommended that an individual should walk briskly at the rate of 5 km per hour for 150 minutes to 300 minutes per week.

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Walking help prevent many health conditions in human bodies. From lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes patients to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, walking is beneficial in many aspects as it is also said to aid in the prevention of certain cancers.

The Many Benefits Of Walking Daily : Walking also helps strengthen the muscles and aids to mental clarity, thereby enabling a free flow of ideas and by keeping oneself mentally alert.

Another added advantage of walking especially in the morning is that it allows oneself to make healthier choices throughout the day by choosing food lesser in calories as one had started the morning on a health conscious note.

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Added health advantage of walking doesn't end with cardiovascular diseases. It also aids in digestion, regulate the blood pressure, improves blood circulation, lessen age related diseases such dementia as well as act as an anti-ageing activity. It also aids in strengthening the bones and boosting the immune system.

Thus, walking is an elixir that can prevent many diseases as well as help regulate chronic lifestyle diseases. It is the most recommended activity for effortless and cost effective approach to good health.