Assam: Wine developed from Assam Tea may help fight diseases and cancer!


After date palm wine from Rajasthan, there's another kind of wine set to launch. The cup that cheers will now cheer Bacchus lovers too as wine has been developed from tea in Assam by a team of five Tocklai Tea Research Institute scientists who unveiled their product here for public.

The scientists from the department of Mycology and Micro-Biology of the pioneer tea research institute developed three varieties of tea wine – CTC wine, Orthodox wine and Green tea wine, said Tocklai Tea Research Institute Director Dr Anup Kumar Baruah at the launch yesterday. Tea wine from the three varieties of tea so far is in the pipeline to go commercial, Baruah said.

Dr Prasanta Dutta, the scientist who led the team, said work was in process since the last part of 2015 till a week ago and it was officially launched for the public yesterday during Tocklai Tea Research Association (TRA) annual general meeting. He said it is a residue-free wine prepared from organic, pesticide-free green tea.

Explaining the benefits of drinking tea wine, Dutta claimed Polyphenols presents in tea wine help to prevent cardiovascular diseases, controls sugar, fights off cold, prevents dementia and some cancers.

Source: The Hindustan Times

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