Tripura: School textbooks distorting history needs correction, says Roy


AGARTALA, June 12, 2018 (TNN): Governor of Tripura, Tathagata Roy has taken exception to the history textbooks in the state's schools "distorting" facts and has urged the state government, led by chief minister Biplab Deb, to take immediate "corrective measures".

"The textbooks say a country called the Soviet Union existed but do not mention that it is gone now. These books also say China is a socialist country," said the governor on Sunday at a conference of the Gazetted Officers' Sangh, a newly formed union affiliated to the RSS-backed Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. "Billions of dollars of American capital are invested in the country (China). Their products are being exported to the US and other so-called capitalist parties.
These things are not mentioned in the school books," Roy said. He urged education minister Ratan Lal Nath that such "distortions" should not continue.
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