Nagaland: State’s SCERT is the first to launch school counseling course in India


KOHIMA, April 17, 2018: The State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT), Nagaland on Monday launched six months certificate course in school counseling. With this, it was informed, it became the first SCERT in the whole country to introduce such course in school counselling.

The programme was formally launched by SCERT retd director Vipralhou Kesiezie.

School counseling is a comprehensive programme designed for 'normal children' in the school with an aim to enhance overall academic performance and all round personality development of a child.

SCERT stated that school counseling is a continuous process of catering to the needs of mental and emotional well being of a child.

"It is not a mere few minutes counseling sessions. For a healthy total growth and development, every child must essentially receive counseling service from the moment he/she joins the school. In a school setting, counseling service should be educational and educative," it stated adding that in this context; the focus of school counseling is for development and adjustment rather than treating severe psychological or mental disorders.

SCERT stated that the need for counseling has become more significant in the context of the Right to Education Act 2009 which ensures every child of the country an education free of mental anxiety and emotional stresses.

"The need of psychological treatment is felt more by adolescents who are undergoing a transitional period of confusion. The need for counseling is universal. Counseling is needed by every normal person. Everyone needs counseling. It is not a mere problematic activity or problem- oriented service alone," it stated.

Three major components covered under school counseling includes; personal- social competencies, academic development and career development.

The six months course is designed for school teachers so as to train them in the basic theory and practice of basic counseling skills with the objective to enable them to act as school counselors in Nagaland.

Stating that children come to school from different background, Vipralhou Kesiezie said "Their needs and problems are many and we need to address them with empathy and understanding lest the unaddressed problems of the child would mar their lives permanently."

Stating that a child who has been ignored today could become the most potential criminal in future, he said "Let is not neglect and ignore the responsibilities entrusted to us as teachers and as parents as a small negligence on our part today could cost the whole society dearly tomorrow. Let is nurture all children who come to us with love and cares."

This is the time to save children and heal the wound the society has inflicted on their minds and bodies, he said and challenged the gathering to heal the world for the sake of "our children." He said the world today is no more safe for children. Children are the worst victims and most targeted group of this modern world.

"Our children are the worst victims of perversion of this modern world. Our children are defenseless from the human predators and perpetrators who are always on the look-out to harm them. The modern world has deprived thousands of innocent children of their childhood," he lamented.

SCERT director T. Sekhose stated that the diploma course in school counseling has been introduced with the primary objective to train at least one male and one female school teacher in theory and practices of school counseling.

This course is designed for school teachers so as to train them in the basic theory and practice of basic counseling skills with the objective to enable them to act as school counselor in Nagaland schools.

Source, Image Courtesy: Morung Express