Meghalaya: NEHUTA raises concerns over falling academic quality


SHILLONG, May 29, 2018: The new executive team of the North-Eastern Hill University Teachers' Association (NEHUTA) has raised multiple issues concerning both academic and administrative issues at the premier university in North East.

Among several other concerns, it pointed out to the delay in completion of Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) promotions to young and experienced teachers, which the Association stated, has direct bearing on the overall performance index of the university.

NEHUTA also expressed deep concern over the falling standards of the quality of academics as an impact of policy failures and implementation failures. The long pending case of teacher's promotion in NEHU was cited as an example.

According to a press release from the Association, its new executive team for the 2018-19 tenure were elected uncontested and the office bearers include Prof. Xavier P. Mao as President, Prof. Utpal Kumar Dey as Vice-President, Dr. Prasenjit Biswas as General Secretary, Dr. Marbha Khymdeit as Joint Secretary and Dr. Arnab Maji as Treasurer.

Six other members were also elected as members of the Executive Committee, which include Prof. A.K. Singh, Prof. S.B. Prasad, Shri Rameez Gazi, Dr. R.K. Mishra, Dr. Jiwesh Binong and Prof. G. Bez. The new executive committee has assumed the charge of responsibility May 7, the release said.

The new team also raised the issue of anomalies in pay fixation "since sixth pay commission which is carried over to the present seventh pay fixation as well."

It further alleged that neglect by officials are resulting in negative impact on the functioning of the statutory bodies of the University, as "minutes are routinely not published on time and annual audit and accounts are passed without necessary approval from University Court. "

"Works worth many lakhs are being carried out without following due process and flouting of MHRD directive on diverting funds to a new campus not approved by the Ministry," it said.

The NEHUTA also claimed that regular disruptions in infrastructure and maintenance – such as delay in repair of hostels and housings, supply of unpurified water and poor maintenance of electrical installations – have been a major cause of worry for teachers and students.

"If such affairs continue, the university is likely to go down further in the national ranking of universities in India," it noted.

The Association also regretted that none of the statutory positions like Registrar, Finance Officer and University Engineer etc. are being filled up since the present VC had taken over in 2015.

"Such ad-hoc functioning combined with vacancies in both teaching and non-teaching positions have slowed down the efficient functioning of the University, which is supposed to cater to the large sections of students and other stakeholders from the society," it mainitaned.

It further expressed shock over disrespect shown the seniority of teacher in the appointment to positions of Deans.
The Association further stated that Executive Council resolutions are being flouted and matters like "construction and credit billing for medical facilities are of serious concern."

The University and its infrastructural works are running ad-hoc by lower level officers as advertisement for the post of university engineer was withdrawn citing anomalies between UGC rules and GoI rules, it informed.

In this conncetion, the NEHUTA demanded faster completion of CAS promotions, removal of pay anomalies and immediate filling up of the long pending statutory and other vacancies.

Only then, NEHU function in a more harmonious and efficient manner, as per the Act, Statute, Ordinances of the University, it added.

TNT with inputs from Morung Express

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