Meghalaya: MLCU contributing to promotion of cultural diversity


SHILLONG, March 29, 2018: As part of the Martin Luther Christian University's endeavour to contribute to the rural community by taking up initiatives to preserve and promote their rich cultural diversity, the Department of Management and Commerce Studies, MLCU on Wednesday organised a one day seminar on the theme 'Sustainable Livelihood', in the university campus.

The seminar was attended by the Vice Chancellor Dr. VT Darlong; Registrar Dr (Ms) Marina B Bethany; Albert Nongrum, HR; and students and faculty of all the different departments of the University.

The resource persons included Adrian Marbaniang, Director (Monitoring and Evaluation) NERCORMP; AS Suting, Research Officer, State Council of Science Technology and Environment, Meghalaya; and Wanphai Nongrum, Founder and Creative Director, Path to Creation.

Speaking during the seminar, Marbaniang gave a brief presentation on the different experiences and initiatives of NERCORMP on sustainable livelihood.

Wanphai Nongrum spoke at length on the importance of social entrepreneurship in our society. He also added that the different business or new business should be aware of the various sustainable resources available in our region and that we should utilise them for business ventures and also help preserve and promote these resources through entrepreneurship.

The resource persons stressed on the fact that there many opportunities that are available in the NE region for sustainable livelihood.

The department of Management and Commerce Studies as the organizers stated that the main objective of organising this seminar is to highlight the various problems of sustainable businesses that are prevalent in the rural areas.

Source: Newmai News Network

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