Assam: 71 examinees expelled, action against two invigilators


GUWAHATI, June 2, 2018: A total number of 71 examinees have been expelled and action has been initiated against two invigilators as the district administration came down heavily on those resorting to unfair means in the ongoing diploma in elementary education examination.

Action was taken against 15 examinees on Friday and 56 examinees and two invigilators on Thursday in the three-day exam which is being held in 19 centres in the district.

The administration has taken a slew of measures to ensure proper and smooth conduct of the exam. It has appointed authorised officers under the direct supervision of seven magistrates, who have been made overall in-charge of the centres.

It also barred taking of mobile phones inside the examination centres, both by examinees and invigilators. "Barring the magistrates on duty, no one is allowed to carry any kind of electronic device, including mobile phones, inside the examination centres," deputy commissioner Adil Khan said, adding that stringent action would be taken against anyone doing so.

Khan asked superintendent of police Mohneesh Mishra to depute police personnel at the examination centres at least an hour before the commencement of the exam. He ordered proper frisking of examinees and invigilatorsby the centre in-charge and authorised officers in the presence of security personnel.

The administration also clamped Section 144 CrPC throughout the district, apprehending breach of law and order.

The administration also refuted reports in a section of the media on paper leak. "We did not receive any information or inputs of leakage of paper before the exam. After an exam begins and someone circulates it in the social media, then how can you term it as leaked question paper? Moreover, there is no clinching proof that the question paper leak emanated from one of the examination centres of Hailakandi," Khan said, adding that the administration would have zero-tolerance against corruption and unfair practices.

The two-year diploma in elementary education is a training course for untrained in-service teachers. Its completion is mandatory for elementary teachers to get a job regular.

Source: The Telegraph

Featured image: Representation