Tripura 10323 teachers issue: Govt considering ways to save jobs of teachers


Agartala, December 8, 2017: According to a Supreme Court verdict, education minister Tapan Chakraborty said, the government is considering ways to save the job of 10,323 graduates, post-graduate and under-graduate teachers in Tripura who are facing termination after December 31.

After December 31, a representative body of 10,323 teachers will be facing termination in Tripura. According to the Supreme Court verdict, on Thursday organised a march to the secretariat demanding job security.

A petition filed by the government to extend the tenure of employment of teachers facing termination is expected to be heard at the Supreme Court on December 11.

Jakir Hossain, a leader of the teachers' association said they had full faith in the state government.

The group organised a massive rally from Agartala city to the state secretariat and demanded an audience with education minister Tapan Chakraborty.

A splinter group of the organisation earlier warned to stall the state with an indefinite blockade on the national highway and railways unless the government guaranteed security in existing positions or new jobs. Its deadline ends tonight.

All Tripura 10323 Teachers Association leader and graduate teacher Uttam Kumar Dey said around 50,000 people, including family members of teachers facing termination, are staring at a humanitarian crisis.

Another leader of the association, Chayan Saha, said they had met Chakraborty to gain assurance of safety and security of their jobs. Saha said, "The minister has assured us that the government was actively looking into all possible ways to save our jobs. He said the government was with us in this hour of crisis".

Saha opposed the strike call by a section of agitating teachers. He said it was highly unbecoming of teachers to engage in hooliganism and anarchy.

The teacher said, "We condemn any attempt to create unrest and anarchy in the name of national highway or rail blockade".

(TNT with inputs from The Telegraph)

Featured image (courtesy): The Telegraph