Shillong: Police Bazaar, a hub for stalkers and eve teasers


The capital city of Meghalaya, Shillong is often considered a safe haven for girls. Often, women have expressed that they feel safe in the streets of Shillong as there is nobody to judge them based on their clothes, looks or any other such aspects.

However on Sunday, a case of sexual harrasment has come to light. The victim lodged a complaint against three men. She alleged that the men entered into her workstation and one among the three started passing lewd comments on her.

Speaking to reporters, she added that when the man passed lewd comments on her, she was infuriated and followed him and when she confronted him, the man started yelling at her and held her firmly by the hand.

However, it was a shame to observe that the passerby remained mere observers to the incident and shamelessly witnessed the plight of the helpless lady being man-handled. However, a few people only shouted at the man to let her go.

In yet another incident, another victim filed an FIR against a man who seemingly stalked her at Police Bazaar.

This incident took place on Saturday while the lady was waiting for her mother at MUDA complex. As per the victim, the unidentified man started waving at her from a distance and then followed her outside the complex.

However, the lady on realizing this immediately called up her friends who later came to her rescue. The stalker had however left the scene and thus remained untraced.

It may be brought to light that Police Bazaar in Shillong has become a hub for stalkers and eve teasers. Especially on Sundays, the place is overly crowded with lecherous people waiting to stalk and tease ladies and women.

Very often, infact, almost in many instances, the cases of eve-teasing and groping are left unreported as most women take them for granted and part of every day lives, hence they choose to move on with mum lips. However, this very tendency imparts greater strength to these monsters and boosts their pervertness.

Also there have been instances of men clicking pictures of women walking on the busy streets of Khyndai-lad without their consent, taking advantage of the crowd to grope them and even assault them.

We do not take time to point fingers at mainstream India like Delhi, shamelessly calling it as the 'Rape Capital' of India. But what about Shillong, an eve-teasing or a stalking capital of Meghalaya!

On the one hand, 53 yr old lady Shailja Gupta are on a solo drive to fight against women exploitation, choosing Nagaland as her inspiration and on the other hand, there are creepy people like these in Shillong who are leaving no stone unturned in shaming Northeast.


To all the women out there who have or have not been a victim of pervert eyes, it is time to speak up and make your voices heard. And to all those people who stand and stare the drama without trying to rescue the ladies, we wish you had not even existed.

(By Shweta Raj Kanwar)

(Representational Image: internet)